Mastication Placerville Free Estimates


We use our mastication & wood chipping service to reduce fire danger & erosion on land clearing projects.

Tree mastication is a forest fire risk reduction technique. In fact, by moving a fire's fuel load to the ground into a thick layer that holds moisture. Correspondingly, fires burn more slowly and don't climb as high. Furthermore, tree and forest mastication has doubled between 2008 and 2018 according to . As a matter of fact, in the past 5 to 10 years, the use of this technique has more than doubled as a tool to reduce wildfire hazards in the wildland/urban interface and at fire breaks in more remote forests.

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mastication near me

Our machine is capable of chipping a 22-inch tree.

Tree Service in Placerville, Forest Service in Placerville, & Brush Mastication in Placerville, are all names for the same process with the same advantages.
Relocating fire-fuel to the ground:

  • Reduces ladder fuels to moderate fire temperature and thus reduce fire risk to structures.
  • Allows easy ingress for emergency services and easy exit for you and your family in an emergency.
  • Reducing unfavorable brush and smaller trees, the remaining trees will enjoy the reduced competition for light and water.
  • Improves watershed function, more water becomes available to remaining trees longer as the ground now is better at retaining water.
  • The remaining trees will grow with more vitality and be more resilient to fire and drought.
  • This technique is vastly better for reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to controlled burns.
  • Creating the national park aesthetic is desirable for viewing wildlife and walking beneath the remaining trees.
mastication near me
Defensible space
tree trimming


Looing for the mastication Placerville Experts? You found us.

mastication in Placervile is critical to reduce fire hazards

Cal Fire

First, we have the heavy equipment to clear large fields of large and small vegetation including grass, brush, and trees.

Second, Cal Fire recommends everyone mow before 10 a.m. while grass is wet and never when windy.

Third, grass fires start for a number of reasons, but most commonly when a spinning blade strikes a rock.

Cal Fire has more information on large area abatement and fire safety here.

mastication El Dorado Hills

We Do Large area abatement the right way

Benuto Tree Service mows according to the guidelines set up by cal fire.

Mowing before 10 a.m., but never when windy or excessively dry.

Moreover, homeowners' lawnmowers are designed to mow lawns, not weeds or dry grass.

In contrast, Mastication tools are specifically designed for heavy-brush.

Spark Arresters

Not only ... but also, in wildland areas, spark arresters are required on all portable gasoline-powered equipment.

Correspondingly, this includes tractors, harvesters, chainsaws, weed-eaters, and mowers.

Furthermore, we keep the exhaust system, spark arresters, and mower in proper working order and free of carbon buildup.
Additionally, the recommended grade of fuel is used and not topped off.

Equipment Use

We have fire protection equipment on standby and keep a shovel and fire extinguisher ready to use when clearing vegetation.

As a matter of fact, we don’t drive our vehicles onto dry grass or brush.

Equally important, hot exhaust pipes and mufflers can start fires that are difficult to see.

By the same token, communication with the owner and emergency services can be critical.

Correspondingly, Cal fire recommends that a cell phone be kept nearby and call 911 immediately in case of fire, so we do that too.


In like manner, to protect water quality, we do not clear vegetation near waterways to bare soil.

Vegetation removal can cause soil erosion, especially on steep slopes.

mastication El Dorado Hills