Fire, Defensible Space Services

Prepare for Fire Season

Fire Defensible space consists of raking up all pine needles within a 10-foot perimeter around all flammable structures.

Removing pine needles from rooftops and rain gutters.

Limbing any tree 6 feet from the ground up if it is over 12 feet tall.

Furthermore, any tree shorter than 12 feet tall would be limbed half of its overall height.

Equally important, removing any dead trees and rotten debris throughout the property.

Defensible space is very important

Fire Defensible Space

Fire Defensible space is important to prevent wild forest fires and minimizes the threat to your home and investment.

We have the experience of being able to provide nearly any type of tree or stump removal service required. In addition, you'll feel confident in our ability to meet all of your expectations.

Moreover, we offer the level of service that is unique to all of the North Sacramento, CA surrounding areas.

Benuto Tree Service is based in El Dorado Hills, CA.

In fact, a personal mission of our company is to educate you, the consumer, in proper tree care.

It's important to know how to preserve the beauty and longevity of your trees for years to come.

Correspondingly, we are very competitive in our pricing to comparable companies.

In like manner, we have the experience of being able to provide any type of tree or stump removal service you require.

Fighting Fire with a Zone Defence

We use the "State of California Inspection Form AB 38" as the ultimate safety checklist to ensure your home meets The State of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection safety guidelines.

When California firefighters perform their inspections this is the checklist they use. So we use it too.

Fire Defensible Space

Our Fire Zone Clearing Services are based on rules and guidelines

Cal Fire Inspection Checklist

Zone 1 / Within 30 feet of all structures or to the property line (Refer to illustration below):

A. Remove all branches within 10 feet of any chimney or stovepipe outlet, pursuant to PRC § 4291(a)(4) and 14 CCR § 1299.03(a)(2).

B. Remove leaves, needles or other vegetation on roofs, gutters, decks, porches, stairways, etc. pursuant to PRC § 4291 (a)(6) and 14 CCR §

C. Remove all dead and dying trees, branches and shrubs, or other plants adjacent to or overhanging buildings, pursuant to PRC § 4291 (a)(5) and 14 CCR § 1299.03(a)(2).

D. Remove all dead and dying grass, plants, shrubs, trees, branches, leaves, weeds and needles, pursuant to 14 CCR § 1299.03(a)(1).

E. Remove or separate live flammable ground cover and shrubs, pursuant to PRC § 4291(a)(1) and BOF General Guidelines item1.

F. Remove flammable vegetation and items that could catch fire which are adjacent to, or below, combustible decks, balconies, and stairs, pursuant to 14 CCR § 1299.03(a)(4).

G.Relocate exposed wood piles outside of Zone1 unless completely covered in a fire-resistant material, pursuant to 14 CCR § 1299.03(a)(3).

Zone 2 / Within 30–100 feet of all structures or to the property line (Refer to illustration below):

H. Cut annual grasses and forbs down to a maximum height of 4 inches, pursuant to 14 CCR § 1299.03(b)(2)(B).

I. Remove fuels in accordance with the Fuel Separation or Continuous Tree Canopy guidelines (see back), pursuant to BOF General Guidelines item 4.

J. All exposed woodpiles must have a minimum of 10 feet clearance, down to bare mineral soil, in all directions, pursuant to 14 CCR § 1299.03(b)(2) (C).

K. Dead and dying woody surface fuels and aerial fuels shall be removed. Loose surface litter, normally consisting of fallen leaves or needles, twigs, bark, cones, and small branches, shall be permitted to a maximum depth of 3 inches, pursuant to 14 CCR § 1299.03(b)(2)(A).

Defensible and Reduced Fuel Zone / Within 100 feet of all structures or to the property line (Refer to illustration below):

L. Logs or stumps embedded in the soil must be removed or isolated from other vegetation, pursuant to BOF General Guidelines item 3.

100 feet of Defensible Space is required under the Public Resources Code (PRC) 4291. California Building Code Chapter 7A requires certain construction materials and methods for homes in wildland areas. Be sure to contact your local fire department for additional requirements to ensure your home is compliant with the law.